Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy Friday!

Hola! It's that time again, BLOG TIME! =)

Since my last post, i've continued updating the Facility Guide. It takes a numerous amount of time to go through and fill in every single blank in a spreadsheet and that is exactly what i've been doing. In the past two weeks i've accumulated almost 25 hours. I've updated the Facility Guide, i've started to gather information on a Calendar of Events I will be developing, emailing Athletic Director's in the Cumberland County Schools for information, as well as keeping my Internship Notebook up to date. Lastly, I will be attending registration for a wrestling event at the Expo Center tonight. Needless to say, i've been staying tremendously busy!

The past week and a half has been all about time management. If I wasn't organized and completely obssessive complusive I would have not survived!! Luckily, time management has been something I've been working on for quite some time now, so I am sliding right on through.

Hopefully, next week will be just as exiciting!

Nicole McLaughlin

1 comment:

velo smart bike fit expert said...

Good update. Regarding upcoming events, check out This club is hosting a three day bike race on Memorial Day weekend and the NC State Championship Criterium on M Day in old downtown.